After today’s news, we really felt the need to take a look back at the game that made Crytek the King of PC graphics. When it was released, Crysis was THE best looking game. Seven years afterwards and Crytek’s masterpiece still manages to put a lot of triple-A multi-platform titles to shame. Of course, the vanilla Crysis had some graphical shortcomings but thanks to its modding community, Crysis has easily evolved into a game that looks marvelous even to this date.
Contrary to our Skyrim galleries, this time we’ll be sharing the links for the mods that have been used to make Crysis look as good as possible.
PC gamers will have to download Crysis Expanded v1.0 Mod (a mod that enhances and tweaks a number of graphical features), as well as YodaStar’s Particles Mod and Rygel’s Texture Pack. XZero’s POM/AF Global Ambient Lighting mod is also a must as it enables POM alongside Anisotropic Filtering.
Furthermore, modder Slicer had released various Texture Packs that may interest you. Do note that some of them may – or may not – overwrite those of Rygel. Still, we believe that it’s wise to use them as well (kudos to TomsHardware for the links):
Rocks (don’t forget this one…..Crysis rocks are horrible without it)
This file starts with zz_ , and you need to add another z to the beginning, so that it’s zzz_
Silent’s High-Res Foliage: file starts with zz_ , and you need to add another z to the beginning, so that it’s zzz_
By combining these three mods, you will be able to experience similar visuals to those featured below. Do note that all you have to do (in order to install these mods) is to drop the .pak files into your /Crysis/Game folder.
There is no doubt that Crysis modded looks more beautiful than a lot of other modern-day shooters, so go ahead and enjoy Crytek’s masterpiece once again.
Enjoy the screenshots, courtesy of FlickR’s member ‘jim2point0′.